Thursday, December 16, 2010

Real Beauty

"I think if you believe you are beautiful, you will appear beautiful to the world."
—Brenda (pictured above)

An amazing student turned me on to this award-winning portrait series by photographer Jodi Bieber called "Real Beauty."

When describing her work on this series, Bieber says, "I felt a strong need to create a body of work that goes against what the media has depicted as beautiful. Even within a complex society such as South Africa, across all communities, women hold unneccesary perceptions of self doubt around themselves and their beauty from an early age.. The work deals with reality but also touches on fantasy. The common ground for my work is both myself and the women I photograph wanted to make a stand for Real Beauty."

To see the rest of Bieber's stunning "Real Beauty" portrait series, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this. I went to the site, and it really made me appreciate myself and hope for a different definition of beauty.
